CS 432

Assignment 2: SQL

Deadline: 11:59pm, Thursday, September 27, 2001
This is an individual assignment – no group submissions are allowed.


This assignment has to be handed in in your handin directory on goose in the CSUGLAB. No other ways of handing in the assignment are permitted. Detailed instructions on handing in your assignment are at the bottom of this page.


A list of frequently asked questions to assignment 2.


You have to have an account in the undergraduate lab to submit your assignment. Submissions on disks or per email are not permitted. No late submissions are allowed. If you suddenly realize the day before the assignment is due that you do not have a handin directory with your login name, there is nothing we can do. You have to check early (by Monday, September 18) whether there is a handin directory with your login name. Send email to johannes@cs.cornell.edu if you do not have a directory.




This assignment will use a database containing data about a university. The relations are in a Microsoft ACCESS 2000 database in the following location:



The schema of the database is provided below (keys are in bold, field types are omitted):


·       student(sid, sname, sex, age, year, gpa)

·       dept(dname, numphds)

·       prof(pname, dname)

·       course(cno, cname, dname)

·       major(dname, sid)

·       section(dname, cno, sectno, pname)

·       enroll(sid, grade, dname, cno, sectno)


Before you start writing SQL, it is a good idea to take a look at the database and familiarize yourself with its contents.





Write SQL queries that answer the questions below (one query per question) and run them on the Microsoft ACCESS Database System using its SQL interpreter. The query answers must not contain duplicates, but you should use the SQL keyword distinct only when necessary. You should copy the database from the class directory into your personal directory before you start writing queries.


The SQL interpreter in ACCESS is not quite the same as the one described in the textbook. If the query you write is not accepted by ACCESS (usually it gives you some strange errors), try different ways until you get one that works with ACCESS. For this assignment, creation of temporary tables is not allowed, i.e., for each question you have to write exactly one SQL statement.




Write the following SQL queries:


1.     Print the names of professors who work in departments that have fewer than 50 PhD students.

2.     Print the name(s) of student(s) with the lowest gpa.

3.     For each Computer Sciences class (section), print the cno, sectno, and the average gpa of the students enrolled in the class.

4.     Print the course names, course numbers and section numbers of all classes with less than six students enrolled in them.

5.     Print the name(s) and sid(s) of the student(s) enrolled in the most classes.

6.     Print the names of departments that have one or more majors who are under 18 years old.

7.     Print the names and majors of students who have a major and are taking one of the College Geometry courses. (Hint: You'll need to use the "like" predicate and the string matching character in your query.)

8.     For those departments that have no majors taking a College Geometry course, print the department name and the number of PhD students in the department.

9.     Print the names of students who are taking both a Computer Sciences course and a Mathematics course.

10.  Print the age difference between the oldest and youngest Computer Sciences major(s).

11.  For each department that has one or more majors with a GPA under 1.0, print the name of the department and the average GPA of its majors.

12.  Print the ids, names, and GPAs of the students who are currently taking all of the Civil Engineering courses.



Assignment Submission


This is an individual assignment – no group submissions are allowed. Hand in an ACCESS database that contains the answers to the twelve questions. The database should contain twelve queries, named as follows:






You have to hand your database electronically into your handin directory by the due date. The name of your database should be your undergraduate lab login id. For example, if your undergraduate login identifier is xyz, your database should be named xyz.mdb. We created a personal handin directory with your undergraduate lab login id in the following folder:




where xyz is your undergraduate lab login identifier. Check as soon as possible whether a directory with your id exists and whether you can access the directory, and send email to the instructor (johannes@cs.cornell.edu) if you do not have a directory or you do not have the correct permissions in your directory. You can modify and remove files in your handin directory before the deadline as often as you want.